Membership of AMR is open to all who share its aims and objectives. AMR is governed by its members according to its constitution. This will take the form of representative governance with the different divisions and regions within the association being represented through elected representatives. Details of the governing and executive bodies are provided in the constitution.
Members of AMR are able to organize themselves into groups which concentrate on particular branches of knowledge, so called learned societies (LS), or on specific problems needing specialized, and perhaps multi-disciplinary investigation, special interest groups (SIG). The LSs and SIGs will have control of their own activities and programmes within the limits set by the constitution.
AMR endevours to promote knowledge exchange and dissemination through a continuous series of high quality conferences, seminars, workshops and meetings. To this end a conference unit will be established to organize these events professionally and efficiently. In particular the unit will be responsible for publicity and organizational aspects of the meetings. The technical aspects of the meetings will be the responsibility of the learned societies and special interest groups sponsoring the events.
AMR aims to assist its members to apply their knowledge and the fruits of their research. To this end a projects unit will be established to provide expert advice as well such material and technical support to help launch new projects.
AMR will set up a publications arm to serve the needs of its members and achieve its aim of knowledge dissemination. The publications unit will be responsible for the publication of the proceedings of the meetings and any other material that the association may see fit from time to time.