After a lull, during which just the MNN-List and occasional socials and residentials were organised, AMR has resumed its Forum meetings online. They are held every two months.

The activities of AMR will be ultimately determined by its members. It is not possible to predict how such an association of believers will perceive its priorities in each branch of knowledge or what forms of interaction may evolve from such an association. However, some of the activities that at this stage seem necessary and beneficial for the generation and dissemination of knowledge and its application are clear. Some activities in which AMR will be involved are listed below.

  • Organization of its membership into groups concentrating on particular branches of knowledge or tackling interdisciplinary problems.
  • Organization of seminars, workshops, conferences and other gatherings to exchange knowledge between researchers and share them with the public.
  • Publishing important works and information of benefit to its members and the community.
  • Initiating and facilitating pilot projects where promising ideas emanating from the research and professional activities of its members may find practical application.
  • Promotion and support of such learning and research which is of benefit to the community. A special fund will be established to enable the association to provide research grants and scholarships in key areas and to promising individuals and groups.
  • To provide a consultancy service and act as a clearing house for ideas and information in all the areas of its activities to individuals, groups and organizations.